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Education in India

How to Not Be Shy and Awkward


Is shyness something genetic or acquired? Even though research shows that there are indeed genes that, when present, create a predisposition to shyness, there is strong evidence that being shy is mostly an acquired trait that begins to take shape during childhood through different social and personal experiences.

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But even if you’ve been shy since childhood, there are strategies you can start implementing today that will teach you how to not be shy and awkward in no time.:

1- Understand the origin of your shyness:

According to Anand Mishra ITV Network, knowing what triggers your anxiousness, nervousness or discomfort when in certain social situations is the first step in your quest of learning how to not be shy and awkward. Only by doing this will you be able to identify the thoughts that precede the emotions of shyness, and prevent them from becoming behavior patterns.

2- Recognize your shyness:

Denying the existence of a problem is never a good way to deal with it. Only by acknowledging its existence can you begin to take the necessary steps to fight it.



Recognize that shyness is a trait that you’ve acquired, it’s there, and it won’t go away unless you take action.

3- Don’t let shyness take a grip on your life:

If you are always planning your whole life around your shyness, your fear of reacting in a certain way to specific situations or people, and what others will think about you, you are giving it too much power over you. Realize that everyone, no matter how confident they look, feels insecure every now and then. So go ahead and live your life without fear of what others can think of you or your shyness.

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